HC Deb 24 April 1917 vol 92 c2202
66. Mr. O'LEARY

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty whether he is aware that Cornelius Desmond, late Royal Naval Reserve, on being discharged from the Navy on the 19th December, 1914, after a loyal service of sixteen years and nine months, was granted a pension for life of 8d. a day; that this man joined the 9th Royal Munster Fusiliers on the 22nd July, 1915, and fought at the front, and that his naval pension was in consequence stopped; and whether, having regard to the injustice of depriving this man, who is now stationed in Bere Island, of his naval pension because he was disposed to fight for his country, he will see that his pension is restored to him and all arrears paid?


Desmond was a seaman, R.N.R., who was called up on the outbreak of hostilities and invalided in December, 1914, for a disease not attributable to the Service. He was granted a pension of 8d. a day solely on the ground of his unfitness for further service; payment was accordingly suspended when it became known that he had been found fit for, and had joined, the Army. He was informed that the resumption of payment would be considered on his discharge. In consequence of the recent changes the responsibility in respect of such pensions now rests with the Minister of Pensions, who has promised to look into the case, which is being referred to him.