HC Deb 19 April 1917 vol 92 cc1804-5

asked what steps have been taken for the establishment of wages boards in Ireland; and whether, where the representatives of the employers and employés have agreed upon a minimum wage, machinery will be established to ratify it and make it mandatory upon any section that might seek to evade it?

10. Mr. BYRNE

asked the Chief Secretary if he will state the Government's proposals with reference to the establishment of a wages board in Ireland"


The Corn Production Bill, which is now before the House, contains provisions for the establishment of wages boards in Ireland. In the hope that this measure will become law steps have been taken provisionally for bringing the boards into operation as soon as possible after the statutory powers are obtained. I am aware that in the meantime farmers and labourers in many of the Irish counties have made satisfactory temporary arrangements, and I anticipate that where a minimum wage has been ascer- tained in this way, the proposed wages board will have power to establish it as a legal minimum wage.


If there is any undue delay in the passing of the Wages Board Bill will this be done by an Order in Council?


I have been giving attention to the matter in case the necessity arises, but I hope it will not be necessary. I think the hon. Member will see that it will be much better to have one permanent scheme than a temporary one in the first instance. Farmers and labourers in various parts of Ireland have been dealing with this matter in a perfectly practical and friendly way, and this has had good effect in removing the difficulties in the matter of ascertaining the minimum wage.


As there is bound to be some considerable delay in any event, will the right hon. Gentleman take steps by forwarding this Bill or otherwise to make its operation retrospective?


That question no doubt will arise when the Clause relating to the Irish Wages Board is considered, and if it appears to be necessary no doubt it will be done. Of course, that will depend upon the judgment of the House in the matter, and that is one of the reasons why I do not want to anticipate the decision of the House with regard to a new departure of this kind by any sectional action.