HC Deb 03 April 1917 vol 92 cc1139-249

Order read for resuming adjourned Debate, on Amendment proposed on consideration of the Bill, as amended [2nd April.]

  1. CLAUSE 1.—(Power to Call Up Certain Excepted Men for Examination.) 30,845 words, 4 divisions
  2. cc1211-49
    1. cc1211-9
    2. CLAUSE 4.—(Relief from Disqualification for Membership of House of Commons in Certain Cases.) 2,598 words
    3. cc1219-28
    4. NEW CLAUSE.—(Relief in Respect of Certain (Contractual Obligations.)) 4,033 words
    5. cc1228-9
    6. NEW CLAUSE.—(Maintenance of Contract for Life Employment.) 280 words
    7. cc1229-31
    8. NEW CLAUSE.—(Enemy Raids Reinstatement.) 646 words
    9. cc1231-4
    10. NEW CLAUSE.—(Relief from Liability when Fulfilment of Contract Interfered with by Requirement of Government Department.) 1,336 words
    11. cc1234-42
    12. NEW CLAUSE.—(Provision as to Sums Made Irrecoverable by 5 and 6 Geo. 5, cap 97.) 3,439 words
    13. cc1242-7
    14. NEW CLAUSE.—(Duration of Increase of Bent and Mortgage Interest War Restrictions Act, 1915.) 1,812 words
    15. cc1247-9
    16. NEW CLAUSE.—(Variation of Wages.) 907 words