HC Deb 02 April 1917 vol 92 cc881-2
1. Major NEWMAN

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware of the restriction of the size of posters to 600 square inches, and that printers, advertisers, and billposters regard a poster of this size as useless on street hoardings or open positions generally; whether he is aware that a full page of a leading newspaper containing 450 square inches can be and is, without restriction, solely utilised daily for the advertisement of a type of ladies' waterproof coat, female underwear, or similar business advertisements; whether the Paper Restriction Committee have recognised the hardships imposed on printers by their recent Orders relative to the printing of advertisements and catalogues; and will he, bearing in mind the importance of the advertising industry to both printers and newspaper proprietors as well as of economy in the use of the paper available, endeavour to bring together the Committee and representatives both of the printing and newspaper industries in order that a solution fair to both sides may be arrived at?


The Board of Trade, who are responsible for the Paper Restriction Order, have had before them a deputation fully representative of the various interests affected by the Order, and are now giving careful consideration to the views put forward by that deputation as to its effects.

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