HC Deb 25 October 1916 vol 86 cc1100-1
10. Major CHAPPLE

asked the Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs whether, in view of the accumulating evidence of a dread in high quarters in Germany that the Allies will dictate the terms of peace, he will now, in conjunction with our Allies, announce that, without prejudice to the present position, all enemy atrocities committed on or after a future date will be investigated with a view to fixing culpability upon those, in whatever rank or station, primarily responsible, in the hope that the dread of appropriate punishment may act as a deterrent?


I fear that I can add nothing to the reply returned to the hon. and gallant Member on the 17th instant.

11. Major CHAPPLE

asked the Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs whether, in view of the evidence of internal disintegration in Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey, their eagerness for peace, and the pretence of Germany that she is able to secure it for them on favourable terms, he will now, jointly with our Allies, announce that under no circumstances will terms of peace be discussed or concluded with Germany on behalf of these countries, but that each will be dealt with separately?


I regret that it is impossible for me at this stage to express any opinion on the suggestion of the hon. and gallant Member.