HC Deb 24 October 1916 vol 86 cc915-7

asked the Secretary of State for War if he will give the names of all the non-combatant civilians, including women, killed by the military during the recent insurrection in Dublin and buried in Trinity College grounds; whether it was in those grounds they buried the boy Gerald Keogh, shot and bayoneted by them in Grafton Street and dragged into Cook's tourist office; and whether he will have that boy's coat examined and photographed, showing the nineteen wounds of which he died?


I am obtaining information, but in the meantime I must not be taken as accepting any of the statements made in the question as correct.


Will the right hon. Gentleman give the information in the House when he receives it?


I will see what it is.


asked the Secretary of State for War whether he has yet obtained from the Dublin police or from Sir Patrick Dunn's Hospital the names of all the non-combatant civilians killed and wounded, respectively, on the drawbridge connecting Brunswick Street with Rings end by the soldiers firing from Haddington Road Catholic Church; if not, whether he will get the information; what was the purpose of the continuous fire on the bridge, where there were no combatants; . whether Mrs. Naylor, one of those shot dead, was mother and dependant of a soldier serving at the time in the British Expeditionary Force; whether information on the shooting of his mother has been allowed to reach him: and, if there are ether dependants, what provision has been made for them?


I have not the information on all the points of this question. As regards Mrs. Naylor, it appears from inquiries made that she was crossing. Victoria Bridge with her sister at 9 a.m. on the 29th April, and was shot and left for dead. A priest went to her and also thought that she was dead, and reported to that effect. At 3 p.m. the same day she was removed to St. Vincent's Hospital, where she became conscious. She was attended by the priest, but died the next day. The rebels had three positions within 20, 50, and 200 yards from the bridge, and the troops had a machine gun posted a mile away, which covered these positions and the bridge. The rebels in this district were the last to surrender.