HC Deb 30 November 1916 vol 88 c455
44. Mr. LUNDON

asked the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland) if he is aware of the feeling throughout Ireland, and particularly among the agricultural classes, that no percentage of oil should be extracted from Indian meal by millers; whether the latter for some time back have issued cards to retailers stating that 2½ per cent. of oil is extracted from Indian meal so that they may evade prosecution; and, in view of the fact that such meal will be used for human consumption this winter, particularly by the poor, will millers be prevented from extracting any oil whatever and allow the most nutritious portion of the grain to go to those who pay for the meal more than what it is value for?


The Department are aware of the circumstances. They have no power to prevent the manufacture or sale of such meals. The relative feeding value of oil-extracted and whole maize meals has been the subject of experiments, the results of which will shortly be available. Until these results have been considered the Department are not in a position to express a definite opinion as to the merits of the case.