HC Deb 29 November 1916 vol 88 cc328-9
42. Mr. LUNDON

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that thousands of soldiers have been in France during the past two years without having leave of any kind; and will he ask the commanders in the field to arrange, if possible, for early leave for such men?


I would refer the hon. Member to the answer given by my right hon. Friend on 27th November to the hon. Member for Derby.

57. Commander WEDGWOOD

asked whether any arrangements are contemplated for providing temporary accommodation in London for men on leave from the trenches who have to wait for their trains?


In an answer given to my hon. Friend the Member for the Orkneys on 20th October, 1915, my hon. and gallant Friend will find a statement of the buildings which had then been made available for this purpose. Further arrangements have since been made for the purpose of accommodating men on leave from the trenches, and, as is known, His Majesty has graciously placed at the disposal of soldiers arriving in London from the front the Buckingham Palace Riding School. More accommodation will be provided if found necessary.


Is my hon. Friend aware that at Victoria Station, for instance, there are only three forms in the whole station; will he see that a few more are provided?


Yes, certainly.