HC Deb 29 November 1916 vol 88 c332
62. Mr. DORIS

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether Bridget Duggan, of Cahir, Louisburgh, county Mayo, on presenting her ring paper at Louisburgh Post Office on the 31st October ultimo, was informed that her separation allowance was stopped because her son, Private Patrick Duggan, No. 5893, 1st Battalion, Irish Guards, was killed in action on the 25th September; and, if so, whether such stoppage of the allowance so soon after the death of her son was in accordance with the War Office Regulation?


Mrs. Duggan was not able to establish a claim to dependant's separation allowance, and issue of the allotment from the soldier's pay correctly ceased on notification of his death.

71. Mr. HOGGE

asked the Prime Minister whether he is yet in a position to state the intentions of the Government with regard to increased separation allowances?


The War Office and Admiralty, in communication, are framing a scheme for consideration by the Treasury and no time is being lost.


Shall we have that scheme presented to the House before we break up for the Session?


I certainly hope so.