HC Deb 28 November 1916 vol 88 cc127-8
8. Mr. BYRNE

asked the Secretary for War whether his attention has been drawn to the complaints and grievances of soldiers in the Old Army and the New Army raised on the volunteer principle; if he is aware that promotion is given more rapidly to men who were called up under the Military Service Acts, whilst promotion is denied to men of the old Regular Army; if he is aware that there are many cases of soldiers at the front since the outbreak of war who have not yet received leave; if he will take steps to see that soldiers of the old Army or those who joined voluntarily where eligible will receive preference for promotion; if he will see that soldiers who have not yet received leave will obtain it; and if he will see that time-expired soldiers shall be retained for Home service only?


No, Sir, I am not aware that the elements of which the Army is composed have complaints and grievances as against each other, and I regret that such a suggestion should ever have been made. Promotion is given to the best qualified man available, irrespective of the terms of his service. As the House has often been informed, leave is a question which rests with the General Officer Commanding-in-field in the field,, and depends upon the exigencies of the military situation. Time-expired men, like other soldiers, will naturally wish that their services may be used where they are of most value, and it is not proposed to run counter to their wishes.


Can the right hon. Gentleman arrange that time-expired soldiers, when they have done their bit at the front, should be allowed to stay at home for Home service?


I think that is much too serious a decision to come to. Men must be utilised where their services are most valuable to the State, and naturally those who are the most experienced are the men whose services are of the most value to the State in a most difficult position.


Is it not a reasonable request that these men when they have done their bit should be allowed to remain at home and take the places of other soldiers who have found soft jobs?


We need them all. If there are any men who have found soft jobs and have not done their share, they will be found out.