HC Deb 28 November 1916 vol 88 c167
96. Mr. HASLAM

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he will take means by which the prices charged for coal at the pits will be fixed by the Government both with regard to coal for export and for home consumption; and will he consider the desirability of fixing such prices as will settle the questions of exorbitant profits and fair wages in the South Wales coal districts?


The prices at the pits of coal for inland consumption are limited by the Price of Coal (Limitation) Act, and those of coal f.o.b. for France and Italy by agreement. I do not think a limitation of prices for other coal would in itself achieve the object that my hon. Friend has in view.


Might I ask whether Government prices might be fixed and arrangements made so that any increase on the market price could be paid to the Exchequer?


The hon. Member had better hand in his question.

104. Mr. F. MEEHAN

asked the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland) whether, having regard to the war prices now being paid for coal and fuel and the danger of a fuel famine, he would consider the advisability of having expert advice on the capabilities of the Irish mines, especially those of Arigna and Glenfarne, county Letrim, where there are large supplies, with a view of developing them for home and export trade?


The Department of Agriculture in Ireland already possess a large amount of expert information regarding the coal resources of Ireland, especially in regard to the Arigna district, and they will be glad to answer any specific inquiries on the subject which may be addressed to them by persons interested.