HC Deb 27 November 1916 vol 88 cc33-4

(by Private Notice) asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether it is a fact that coal is selling at Garston for 25s. and 26s. per ton; whether the cross-Channel freight is 10s. 6d.; whether it is true that the current prices in Dublin are 42s. to 43s.; whether he is aware that the want of fuel at a moderate price is causing much distress and dissatisfaction in Dublin city and suburbs; whether he can state what the Government is doing, or proposes to do, at once as the need is urgent?


I believe the hon. Member's figures to be substantially correct, but I have no official means of ascertaining coal prices in England, and I am not aware of difference in principle in the conditions of trade in Dublin as compared with other business centres which would warrant special legislation for the case of Dublin. Section 13 of the Local Government Act of 1898 provides means by which the local authorities are able to afford some assistance, and the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Dublin are again instituting a special fund which will, I trust, receive generous public support.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman if the Government will cooperate with the Lord Mayor and the Lady Mayoress in endeavouring to meet the wants of the people of the City of Dublin?


I can assure my hon. Friend if he or any of the other hon. Members for Dublin will point out any effort which the Executive can make without legislative action I shall be delighted that it should be made, particularly as matters at present stand, as I am advised that it is confirmed in the way I have mentioned and which would have the effect my hon. Friend desires and which I would desire also.


May I have an opportunity of talking it over with the right hon. Gentleman to see if we can arrive at a solution?