HC Deb 27 November 1916 vol 88 cc17-8
53. Mr. JOWETT

asked the Secretary of State for War if the statement made by the chief military representative of the Enfield district at the Enfield Tribunal on the 18th instant to the effect that tribunals are to be asked to instruct applicants for exemption passed for B 2, B 3, C 2, and C 3 to register at the nearest Labour Exchange within fourteen days so that young men can be freed for general service correctly represents the policy now in force; and, if so, whether the same policy is, or is about to be, applied to men so classified who are making no application to the tribunal for exemption?


I am inquiring into the statement alleged to have been made by the military representative at Enfield, but I may point out that it is open to tribunals to instruct applicants for exemption who are in military categories B 2, B 3, C 2, and C 3 to register at the Labour Exchange if they desire to make the proviso to a man being exempted that he undertake work of national importance, and men who, under those directions, register at an Exchange and are placed by the Exchange in munition work as substitutes or as reinforcements of labour receive their certificates of conditional exemption and retain them so long as they remain in such employment. Similarly, any men in B 2, B 3, C 2, and C 3 can register at an Exchange, and if similarly placed as a substitute or reinforcement will receive the same conditional certificate of exemption as if they had registered and obtained employment under the direction of the tribunal.