HC Deb 23 November 1916 vol 87 cc1593-4
19. Mr. BRADY

asked the Chief Secretary whether he has considered the Report of the Irish Local Government Board on the housing question, particularly as regards the City of Dublin; and, if so, what steps he proposes to take in the matter?

34. Mr. CLANCY

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is yet able to make any announcement as to his intentions in the matter of financial assistance towards the solution of the housing question in Irish urban districts, and especially in Dublin?


I am not yet in a position to add anything to my reply of the 16th November to the hon. Member for Dublin County (North).


Is it not a fact that about two months ago the right hon. Gentleman himself described the housing question as a problem pressing and serious from every point of view, and its settlement was a duty which was vital not merely to the well-being of Dublin, but of the nation and the Empire, and, so far as he had strength and influence, he would do his part to remedy the existing state of things. If I have correctly quoted him, should I not be doing him an injustice if I assumed that the words which I have quoted, I hope correctly, are merely a rhetorical outburst, and that, like the promises of so many British Ministers, they would end in nothing?


The hon. Member is making a speech.