HC Deb 22 November 1916 vol 87 c1388

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty what percentage of the personnel of the Royal Naval Air Service are pilots; what percentage are on service in Great Britain; and, of the latter, what percentage are of military age?


The percentage of trained pilots on the total personnel of the Royal Naval Air Service (officers and ratings) is 3.2; the percentage of pilots under training compared with the total personnel is 1.7, making a total of 4.9 per cent. on the total personnel of the Royal Naval Air Service. Of the trained pilots-in the Royal Naval Air Service, 47.7 per cent, are serving abroad, leaving 52.3 per cent. serving at home. All the latter are between the ages of eighteen and forty-one and include pilots for the "Lighter-than-Air" side and those employed on training-and instructional work.