HC Deb 22 November 1916 vol 87 c1425
94. Mr. DEVLIN

asked the Chief Secretary whether his attention has been called to the fact that the Belfast master stevedores, owing to the increased cost of living, have made the standard wages paid to their men 9s. per eight-hour day; and whether he will take this fact into account in considering the claims of the Irish national school teachers for an adequate war bonus?


I am not able to add anything to my reply given on Thursday last to the hon. Member for Queen's County (Leix).


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that stevedores are giving 9s. per day for eight hours' work, and that school teachers are getting a little over half that amount?


It would be impossible to discuss the scale of wages by question and answer, at any rate, with any justice to the Exchequer.


It is not a question of a scale of wages; it is a matter of simple justice, and the treatment of the teachers is simply outrageous.