HC Deb 21 November 1916 vol 87 cc1200-1
34. Mr. R. McNEILL

asked on what date the Committee appointed under the Army Act Amendment. Act completed the hearing of evidence and when they expect to make their report?


The Court have now completed their report and I have just received it. As soon as copies are received from the printers I will have one sent to each of those, on whose conduct in the case the Court has pronounced an opinion. On receipt of explanations from such officers as are under the jurisdiction of the Army Council I propose to take a decision on the course to be followed in regard to them. As to the others, I shall have to take legal advice. These steps will be hurried on as much as possible. I do not think that in the meantime it would be in the public interest to make any further statement, or to allow publication of the report or any portion thereof. I may add that in regard to the young officer, in whose interests the late Sir A. Markham was principally moved to take action in the matter, the Court on the 29th September, rendered an interim report to the effect that, in their opinion, the officer entirely merited the grant of the commission made to him in December, 1915, and that there has been nothing in his conduct since that date which has been in any way unbecoming in an officer and a gentleman, and that any censure which has been passed upon him in connection with the circumstances of the case before the Court has been wholly undeserved. In view of the state of the officer's health, the Council, as intended by the Court, at once communicated this report to him through the usual channels.


Will the decision of the right hon. Gentleman be communicated to the House as soon as he comes to it?


indicated assent.