§ 19. Mr. LUNDONasked if the Estates. Commissioners have yet acquired the Crosbie estate at Newgarden, Castlecon-nell, county Limerick; and, if so, when may it be distributed?
§ Mr. DUKEThe reply to the first part of the question is in the negative. This estate is the subject of proceedings before the Estates Commissioners for sale by the owner direct to the tenants under the Land Purchase Acts, but, having regard to its position on the principal register of direct sales (all cash), and the prior claims of other estates, it is not possible at present to state when it will be reached in its order. When so reached it will be dealt with as rapidly as possible.
§ 25. Mr. P. WHITEasked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether the Estates-Commissioners have acquired the estate of Craven Wade, Clonabraney, county Meath; if so, whether it was let on the eleven months' system by the Commissioners during a portion of the current year; whether it is intended to follow the same course for the coming season, or whether, having regard to the expected scarcity of food supplies, the land will be allotted to people willing and anxious to cutivate it to the best advantage; and if memorials have been received by the Commissioners from anxious applicants for allotments of the land?
§ Mr. DUKEThe Estates Commissioners have acquired as untenanted land the demesne lands on this estate, and have let them under temporary grazing lettings pending the preparation of a scheme of allotment. The Commissioners are of opinion that in the allotment of the lands the claims of men who have served or are serving in the Army or Navy, or who have members of their families so serving, should have preference, and pending the completion of a. scheme of allotment the Commissioners propose to relet the lands under temporary lettings for the present. The reply to the concluding portion of the question is in the affirmative.
§ Mr. WHITEWere not these lands purchased for the purpose of redistribution among tenants, and have the Commission any legal right to override the intentions of Parliament?
§ Mr. DUKEI have not found that the Board to which the hon. Member refers has shown any disposition during my experience of it to go counter to any Act of Parliament. If there is any suggestion of that kind I will look into it.