HC Deb 14 November 1916 vol 87 cc570-1

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether his attention has been called to the protest of the Welsh National Agricultural Council against the breach of faith on the part of the Government in departing from the bargain entered into with the farmers to pay 35 per cent. advance on the 1914 wool prices; and whether he will have an inquiry made into the matter?


I have received a copy of the resolution passed by the Welsh Agricultural Council and have requested the council to submit the grounds on which their allegation is based. The central price list for home-grown wools was drawn up in July last by the Central Advisory Committee for Wool Purchase on the basis of the average prices ruling in June and July, 1914, with the addition of 35 per cent., and local prices have been fixed by local advisory committees on the basis of the Central price list, with the necessary modifications to adapt it to the particular local conditions. If the hon. Member can give me specific cases where the prices so fixed have not been observed, I will cause inquiries to be made.


Is not the complaint more that the price paid for the wool now is 35 per cent. in excess of the price paid two years ago?


I think that is the complaint. If my hon. Friend or the Welsh National Agricultural Council could give me one or two specific cases I could look into it, and I could then find out more definitely where the grievance is.