HC Deb 07 November 1916 vol 87 c58

informed the House that he had received the following letter:—

"1st November, 1916.

Sir, I have to inform you that Mr. Laurence Ginnell, M.P. for North Westmeath, has been arrested to-day under a commitment warrant issued by me, and has been taken to Pentonville Prison, for detention there for a period of twenty-one days in the first division, in default of payment of a fine of £50 imposed upon him on appeal by the Court of Quarter Sessions for the County of London, upon a charge under Regulation 44 of the Defence of the Realm Regulations, of knowingly making a false statement and an omission in a certain application, with intent to mislead an officer and persons acting under the order of an officer in the execution of their duties.

I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant,


To the Right Honourable

The Speaker of the

House of Commons."