HC Deb 02 November 1916 vol 86 c1828
77. Mr. LYNCH

asked the Prime Minister whether, in regard to the proposed Channel Tunnnel, the Government will take into account its political importance as affecting the whole character of the Entente between this country and France, the military and naval aspects of the question, not only as affecting facility of transport, but as involving complex considerations of the defence of the tunnel itself, and the financial and domestic side of the subject, having regard to the questions of monopolies and of the control by capitalists of great State functions essential to the safety of the nation; and whether, in view of these considerations, he will refuse to give encouragement and support to any scheme other than an entirely national undertaking carried out completely by the Government or a project into which the French Government entered on equal terms?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. With regard to the last part, as I have already stated, the matter will be reviewed by the War Committee or the Committee of Imperial Defence, and the considerations mentioned by the hon. Member will not be lost sight of.