HC Deb 02 November 1916 vol 86 c1815
37. Mr. G. TERRELL

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that difficulty will be caused to farmers during the coming winter owing to the shortage of labour by the Order which he has made under the Defence of the Realm Regulations requiring cattle which are being driven on the public roads half an hour after sunset to be attended by one person carrying a lamp in front and a second person carrying a lamp in the rear; and whether, in the circumstances, he will give instructions for the Order to be withdrawn?


The general shortage of labour was fully considered in framing the Order. The Order requires a lamp to be carried in all cases by the person driving the animals, but a second lamp, carried at the front, is required only when a large herd or flock (twenty head of cattle or 100 head of sheep) is being driven. The Order was made on urgent representations received from the military authorities and county councils and other local authorities as to the danger arising from cattle being driven at night without any visible indication of their presence on the roads, and I am satisfied that the Order is necessary to secure the safety of the cattle and sheep as well as of traffic generally.