HC Deb 18 May 1916 vol 82 cc1631-2

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that the Irish Volunteer Red Cross Society in the insurrection in Dublin rendered assistance to wounded on both English and Irish sides without distinction; that the English Red Cross Society, by direction of the English military authority, refused assistance to wounded Irish Volunteers; that the English troops fired on the Irish Red Cross nurses and forced them to evacuate their headquarters, the Hibernian hotel, while under fire; and if he can give a reference to any Hague Convention supporting the English conduct in this matter as distinguished from the Irish?


I have now received an answer from Ireland on this matter, and the hon. Member and Members in all parts of the House will, I am sure, be glad to learn that members of all Red Cross societies rendered valuable and impartial assistance to all wounded, whether civilians, troops, or rebels. The House will also not be surprised to learn that there is no truth in the allegations made in the question against the military authorities or the troops.