HC Deb 18 May 1916 vol 82 cc1644-5

asked the President of the Board of Trade (1) if he can state, approximately, the total deadweight carrying capacity, excluding refrigerated capacity, of all steamers of 1,500 tons net register and upwards on the British register on 31st March last or on the date of his latest returns, and the date thereof; if he can state, approximately, the deduction to be made from such total deadweight capacity for bunker coal for steamers' use on voyage; (2) whether he can state the number of British steamers interned in enemy ports and the net and gross registered tonnage of same; the number of British steamers locked up in the Baltic and the Black Sea, giving the net and gross registered tonnage of same respectively; (3) whether he can state the number of British steamers lost from all causes or removed from British register since 4th August, 1914, to the latest date for which he has returns and the date thereof, giving the net and gross registered tonnage, respectively, and the number of British steamers added to the register, exclusive of those under construction and not actually completed, during the same period, giving the net and gross registered tonnage, respectively, of the same; whether he can state if any of these steamers so added are captured or interned enemy steamers or steamers purchased from neutrals, and the numbers and nationalities, respectively, together with the net and gross registered tonnage thereof; (4) whether he can state the percentage of the total amount of foodstuffs, other than meat, which was imported into the United Kingdom in neutral vessels during the six months ending 31st March last, or, failing his having information for this period, then for the six months for which he has statistics, and the date at which the six months ended; (5) the total number of British-owned steamers of 100 tons net register and upwards registered on 31st March last, and the total net and gross registered tonnage of the same respectively, excluding steamers under construction and not actually completed; if he cannot give this information up to 31st March, then on his latest return, and the date thereof; and whether he can state the number of steamers between 100 tons net register and 1,000 tons net register, and the net and gross registered tonnage of the same, the number between 1,000 tons and 1,500 tons net register, and the net and gross registered tonnage of the same, the number between 1,500 tons and 2,000 tons net register, and the net and gross registered tonnage of the same, the number between 2,000 tons and 3,000 tons net register, and the net and gross registered tonnage of the same, and the number over 3,000 tons net register, and the net and gross registered tonnage of the same; (6) whether he can give the number of enemy steamers lying in British ports which are not being used for commercial purposes and their respective nationalities, and the net and gross tonnage, respectively; and (7) whether he can state the number of neutral steamers which entered British ports during the past twelve months ending 31st March, dividing the same into quarterly periods and giving the nationality and net and gross registered tonnage, respectively; and, if he cannot give this information up to 31st March, to the latest date for which he has returns, and the date thereof?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of TRADE (Mr. Runciman)

I will deal with the hon. Gentleman's seven questions together. I find on looking into the details that the compilation of the returns for which he asks would involve an expenditure of time and labour for which, I regret to say, the Marine Department, with a depleted staff, cannot provide at the present time, and I hope, therefore, he will not press for them in this form. Any information which he requires on any special point I will endeavour to supply if he will communicate with me.