HC Deb 15 May 1916 vol 82 c1120
27. Mr. JOWETT

asked the Secretary of State, for the Colonies, concerning the refusal by the High Commissioner of South Africa of a certificate of domicile to Mr. C. Jennings, who, after residing and working for two years and four months and qualifying for inclusion on the voters' list in the Boksburg district of the Transvaal, returned to this country in September last for the purpose of taking back to his home in the Transvaal his wife and child, and who cannot now obtain a passport in consequence of the action of the High Commissioner in refusing him a certificate of domicile, if he will make suitable representations to the High Commissioner of South Africa in order to enable Mr. Jennings to return home, or, in the alternative, if a certificate of domicile cannot be granted, if he will take steps to obtain a grant for Mr. Jennings from the Rand Munitions Association, a body formed for the purpose of assisting, by grants of money to pay their passage, men who come to this country to work in munition factories, seeing that Mr. Jennings, being unable to return home is now working at a munitions factory, and could therefore, presumably, have obtained a grant if he had come here with the intention of taking up his present employment?

The SECRETARY of STATE for the COLONIES (Mr. Bonar Law)

I regret that I am unable to assist Mr. Jennings either to return to South Africa or to obtain a grant from the Rand Munitions Association.