HC Deb 11 May 1916 vol 82 cc915-6

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Agriculture whether his attention has been drawn to a Circular of the Board of Trade on war service for women, in which it is stated that applicants for agricultural work should realise that the hours of work are long, that it necessitates work in the early hours of morning and on Sundays, and that a strong physique is essential, and stating that a wage of 12s. to 15s. a week may be considered an average one; and whether the President of the Board of Agriculture considers that even a woman of strong physique can maintain health and strength, working long hours seven days a week, for 12s. to 15s. a week, having regard to the present rise in the cost of living?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. With regard to the second part, I may point out that the circular merely states what the average wage is, without expressing any opinion as to its adequacy as a living wage. I may, however, add that the Board has lost no opportunity of urging farmers to pay adequate wages to any women they employ, and, in view of the openings for women in other directions, there is little danger that they will accept agricultural employment at wages which are insufficient to enable them to live.