Mr. PIKE PEASEPublic telegraphic communication with Dublin was reopened yesterday, but at present telegrams are necessarily subject to some risk of delay or non-delivery.
There is general telegraphic communication between England and Ireland, but 912 messages are necessarily subject to some risk of delay and non-delivery owing to local conditions. Communication with Dublin and places beyond Dublin was only reopened yesterday for public traffic, as previously only one wire which was in a somewhat faulty condition was available.
Telephonic communication from England is available with Belfast and places served through Belfast, but not with Dublin or places to the south and west. Only one telephone line is working between London and Dublin, and that is required for official purposes.
The local exchange systems in Dublin and other places in Ireland are understood to be available for the use of subscribers and the general public, subject in some cases to local restrictions necessarily imposed by the military authorities, but in these cases there are no particulars in London.