HC Deb 11 May 1916 vol 82 c907
27. Coloned YATE

asked the President of the Board of Trade what is the number of vessels now under construction in the United Kingdom for foreign firms; and whether, in view of the shortage of tonnage, he will take steps to requisition all vessels built in the United Kingdom for foreign firms during the present War, and to prevent any vessel from leaving the country to sail under a neutral flag?


I am informed that forty-two vessels are under construction in the United Kingdom for foreign firms, sixteen of which are being built for firms of allied nationality. None of these can be transferred to a foreign flag without the sanction of the British Government.

Colonel YATE

Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether the British Government will avoid giving sanction?


We have withheld licences for the transfer of vessels to foreign countries that are not allies of ours, but in many cases licences have been granted for vessels which have been built here to go under Allied flags, providing they continue in Allied service.

Colonel YATE

Are we to understand from that reply that licences will not be given to neutral nations?


No, Sir, I cannot make a definite promise, but the circumstances of the cases must apply.


The right hon. Gentleman gave a different answer yesterday. Can he say how the discrepancy between yesterday and to-day has arisen?


I am not aware of any discrepancy. If the hon. Member will point out where it arises I will look into it.

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