HC Deb 09 May 1916 vol 82 cc455-6

(by Private Notice) asked the Prime Minister whether, having regard to the general demand that has been expressed for an exhaustive inquiry into our present educational system, particularly with regard to the claims of science to occupy a more important place in the curriculum of our schools, he is able to make any statement as to the proposal that has been submitted to him for the appointment of a Royal Commission to consider and to report upon the question of the organisation of education in this country?


I must refer my hon. Friend to the answer I gave to the hon. Member for West Clare yesterday. When the Government are in possession of the results of the various inquiries they have set on foot it will be possible to decide whether any useful purpose would be served by setting up a Royal Commission.


Could not some better method be devised than that of a Royal Commission, which generally is a burial in state, and could not a leaf be taken from the example of Germany itself, where a system of education has been devised which is one of the great factors of the strength of Germany in the present War?


I shall be glad to receive a concrete suggestion.