HC Deb 09 May 1916 vol 82 cc446-7
27. Captain Viscount WOLMER

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether local Labour Exchanges are notified when soldiers are discharged from the Army; whether Labour Exchanges are allowed to publish this information; whether this information has been officially communicated to the local committees formed under the Naval and Military War Pensions Act; and, if not, will he explain why this has not been done?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. As regards the second part of the question, information supplied to the Labour Exchanges in regard to discharged soldiers is, in common with all other information in regard to individuals registered at the Exchanges, regarded as confidential, and is used at present only to enable the Exchanges to give effective assistance in finding suitable work in cases where such assistance is desired. With reference to the last part of the question, the Board of Trade, as I stated in reply to the hon. and gallant Member for Plymouth on the 27th April, are in communication with the Statutory War Pensions Committee with a view to making arrangements for the communication of information as regards discharged soldiers, so far as is necessary for the purposes of the local committees.

Captain Viscount WOLMER

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that there are a great many people who are very anxious to help these discharged soldiers, and that the Government, by withholding information as to where they are to be obtained, is hindering this work?


That is a matter which is under the consideration of the local committees.

Captain Viscount WOLMER

Can the hon. Gentleman hold out any prospect of this matter being advanced?


Yes, Sir, I hope so.


In view of the fact that these local committees will not be in working order in many parts of the country until the end of June, can nothing be done to expedite this matter, because the demand for soldiers partially disabled is very great?


I will consider that.

Captain Viscount WOLMER

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that some of these local committees are now ready, but are unable to obtain this information from the Board of Trade?