HC Deb 03 May 1916 vol 82 cc14-5
18. Mr. BARLOW

asked whether, in the case of Territorials who have returned from the Mediterranean sick or wounded and have been discharged from hospital and sent to third-line units to recuperate, the men only receive on discharge from hospital one item of each article of clothing instead of the normal Home-service allowance; whether he is aware that many of these men have to stay for several months with the third-line battalion; and whether arrangements will be made for them to receive the regular allowance for clothing?


It is the case that on leaving hospital the soldier has his kit of clothing and necessaries completed to the Home-service scale with certain exceptions, but on becoming fit for duty, and on joining the drafting units, the clothing and necessaries of these men are completed to the appropriate Expeditionary Force scale. Men who, on leaving hospital, are temporarily unfit for service abroad, or only fit for service at home, should have their clothing and necessaries completed to the Home service, without any exceptions. If the hon. Member has reason to think that in any instance known to him hardship has arisen through misinterpretation of the War Office intentions, I shall be happy to have inquiry made if he will furnish me with the necessary particulars.


Will the right hon. Gentleman allow me to give him a case where it has not been done?



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