HC Deb 03 May 1916 vol 82 c19
23. Mr. ASHLEY

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office what is the price per ton for wheat and oat straw to be paid in Hampshire when requisitioned by the military authorities; who fixed these prices; and when where they fixed?


The price of wheat and oat straw in Hampshire is 50s. on rail, or 45s. at stack, War Department to bale and vendor to cart to rail. These prices were fixed at the end of March by the Forage Committee.


In view of the fact that very often in some cases too much is paid and in others too little, will the hon. Gentleman consider the proposal to divide the country into two areas, so as to get more equal prices?


If my hon. Friend will give me any instance in which we are paying too much, I shall be very glad to inquire into it.

24. Mr. ASHLEY

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office to whom an appeal lies when hay or straw is requisitioned by the military authorities and the owner considers the price given below the usual rate of the district?


Appeal can be made to the Commission presided over by my hon. and learned Friend the Member for Exeter.


Could the right hon. Gentleman say when any decision is likely to be come to—how many years hence?


I think my hon. Friend should address that question to my right hon. and learned Friend