HC Deb 14 March 1916 vol 80 cc1876-7
19 and 20. Mr. NEEDHAM

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War (1) whether he is aware of the paucity of commissions given to men of the 20th Royal Fusiliers as compared with other universities and public schools battalions; whether facilities will be extended to the 20th Royal Fusiliers so that commissions may be granted to all suitable men; and (2) whether the 20th Battalion Royal Fusiliers (Universities and Public Schools) will be dealt with on the same lines as the other universities and public schools battalions; and, if not, what is the reason for the difference of treatment of the 20th Battalion as compared with the others?


All units are on the same footing. The application of any man recommended by the commanding officer of the 20th Battalion Royal Fusiliers is treated in precisely the same way as any similar application. Inquiries are being made as to whether there has been any delay in submitting recommendations in the case of this battalion. Perhaps my hon. Friend will be so good as to speak to me on this matter.


Is this battalion on the same footing as other universities and public schools battalions?


Yes, Sir, exactly.

31. Mr. HASLAM

asked the Under-Secretary for War whether he is aware that the commanding officer of one of the university and public schools battalions now serving at the front has consistently refused to permit any of his men to accept commissions, notwithstanding the fact that in many instances they have been invited by commanding officers to join their battalions; whether, in the other university and public school battalions, such permission has been granted in probably a thousand cases; and whether, in the interests of the Service and to ensure fairness to the men, he will take steps to have this grievance rectified?


The commanding officers of all units of the Expeditionary Forces have the same instructions regarding recommendations of suitable candidates for commissions, and all such recommendations are treated alike. The commanding officer is the best judge as to the suitability of such candidates for commissions, and the recommendations must come through him. I do not know whether my hon. Friend is referring to the 20th Battalion Royal Fusiliers, about which I am answering some questions later to-day. If the battalion he has in mind is not that one, perhaps he will be good enough to furnish me with the name, when inquiries can be made.


It is the 20th Battalion to which my question refers.


Perhaps the hon. Member will speak to me on the subject.

34. Mr. WARDLE

asked the Under-Secretary for War whether his attention has been called to the statement that the 20th Battalion Royal Fusiliers (3rd Public Schools Battalion) is not to be allowed to rank as an Officers' Training Corps, whereas the remaining three battalions similarly constituted are so regarded; and, if so, if he can state the reason for this differentiation?


None of the so-called "public schools battalions" either rank as, or are regarded as, Officers' Training Corps. There is no differentiation between any of the units of the Army at the front in regard to recommendation of suitable men for commissions.