HC Deb 14 March 1916 vol 80 c1875

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether in some cases captains with fifteen years' service, including embodied Militia service in South Africa, have been promoted majors, but others have not been allowed to count such service; and whether he will issue an order that all captains who have got a total of fifteen years' service should now be so promoted?


Infantry captains with fifteen years service who have been promoted to be majors have got that promotion when they became senior of their rank in their regiment. There are cases of captains who, if they reckon embodied Militia service, have a total of fifteen years' service, but who have not been promoted because they are not yet senior of their rank. I cannot undertake to issue an order that all captains who have a total of fifteen years' aggregate service should be promoted irrespective of seniority.


Did not the right hon. Gentleman say some time ago that he would inquire, principally into the case of the Middlesex Regiments, in which the promotion of no less than twelve captains with fifteen years' service was blocked by junior officers?


This question has been very carefully inquired into. I promised to investigate it; but whether. I could promise to alter the policy is another matter.