HC Deb 09 March 1916 vol 80 c1726

asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether any instruction has been issued to old age pension officers in this country corresponding to that upon which they are acting in Ireland in appealing against and resisting all grants of new pensions irrespective of the facts, and reviewing and appealing against existing pensions; if so, will he state its terms; how many existing old age pensions were cut off in Great Britain and in Ireland, respectively, in 1915; and also the respective numbers of new pensions granted by local committees in that year and the number of these disallowed by the central authority in each country?


No instructions have been issued to pension officers in any part of the United Kingdom directing them to resist or appeal against the grant of old age pensions or to try and get existing pensions reduced, irrespective of the facts; nor is there any foundation for the allegation that the officers are so acting. The number of pensions revoked in Great Britain in 1915 was 15,154, and in Ireland 1,767. The figures asked for in the last portion of the question are not available.