HC Deb 07 March 1916 vol 80 cc1335-6

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War what action he proposes to take in the case of a ticket-collector at Mutley Station, Plymouth, named R. Rice, who attested under Lord Derby's scheme, but who, having a widowed mother and an invalid sister dependent upon him, applied to the local tribunal for exemption, who granted him a month's extension, but a week later an armed escort went to his home and, not finding him, proceeded to where he was employed and arrested him as a deserter and, in spite of his protests and explanation, he was marched through the streets under a military escort to the recruiting station, where he was detained for some time and eventually let go?

30. Mr. THOMAS

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that a Great Western Railway ticket collector at Plymouth, named R. Rice, who attested under the Derby scheme, appealed to the local tribunal on the 21st February for postponement on the grounds of having a widowed mother and invalid sister dependent upon him, and was granted one month's extension; that on the 28th February an armed escort called at his residence, and, finding Rice absent, proceeded to the railway where he was employed and there placed him under arrest as a deserter, and, notwithstanding his protest and request to be taken home, where he could produce evidence of exemption, he was marched through the town under arrest to the Plymouth Corn Exchange, where he repeated his protest, and after inquiries it was found a mistake had been made and he was thereupon released; and, having regard to this conduct towards a citizen who had shown his loyalty and patriotism by voluntarily attesting, whether he will take steps at once to have those responsible for this blunder punished?


No, Sir; I am not aware of the circumstances mentioned by my hon. Friend, but I have given instructions for an immediate inquiry to be made with a view to proper steps being taken if the facts are as stated.


Will the result of that inquiry be communicated to me?


I shall be glad to communicate the result to my hon. Friend.