HC Deb 01 March 1916 vol 80 c1039
24. Mr. R. McNEILL

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been called to the case of No. 14,756, Gunner F. Ellender, 15th Division, C Battery, 73rd Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, who enlisted in August, 1914, at the age of sixteen years, against the wishes of his parents, and, although not yet eighteen years of age, has been on active service in France since July, 1915; if he is aware that correspondence, with a view to having the boy sent back to England, has been passing between his relations and the military authorities for eleven months, and that his birth certificate was sent to, and acknowledged by, his commanding officer several weeks ago; if he will say who is responsible for such delay in sending the boy back from the front; and whether, especially in view of the fact that Ellender's parents have five other sons serving in the Army, he will take immediate steps to have the boy transferred to a unit at home until he attains nineteen years of age?


I am having inquiry made into this case.