HC Deb 28 June 1916 vol 83 cc845-7
100. Mr. MOLTENO

asked the Minister of Munitions whether his attention has been drawn to the strong local feeling which prevails in the Annan district that the Liquor Control Board, so far from reducing the sale of liquor is, by its actions, extending it, and that the effect of its control is to increase revenue from the sale of drink, regardless of the evil, moral and physical, effects upon the community; and what action ho proposes to take?


The information which has reached me, both as to the feeling of the locality and as to the facts of the case, is widely different from that which my hon. Friend appears to have received.

101. Mr. MOLTENO

asked the Minister of Munitions whether the Liquor Control Board of the Annan district are free from the control of the Licensing Acts, and whether the police are in consequence unable to prosecute the Board or their managers for such offences, should they take place, as the supply of liquor to drunken men, the sale of liquor at any hour of the day or night, or tolerating disorder in their houses; and to what control, if any, the Liquor Control Board and their managers are subject?


Under the Liquor Control Regulations the Control Board are not themselves subject to the jurisdiction of the magistrates, but their managers are liable in exactly the same way as ordinary publicans to prosecution for misconduct in the management of their houses.

102. Mr. MOLTENO

asked the Minister of Munitions whether the Liquor Control Board of the Annan district proposes to erect a new building for the sale of drink, which is to contain a picture house and public bowling green; and whether, seeing that this is contrary to the policy pursued by all licensing authorities throughout Scotland in discountenancing the sale of alcoholic refreshment in places where the youth of the community are being gathered for recreation, and that this building is to cost £4,000, he will take any steps to pre vent this proposal being carried into effect?


I am informed that upon a large site which the Control Board have acquired for the purpose of relieving the exceptional congestion of the public houses at Annan it is intended to make provision for the sale of drink, food and non-intoxicating refreshments, and for entertainment and healthy recreation. The canteen will be so designed as to make it easy to exercise proper supervision over the sale of such intoxicants as may be permitted, and its establishment will make it possible to close existing unsuitable houses. The hon. Member's question appears to me to betray an inadequate recognition of the exceptional conditions prevailing in this district.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that owing to the Entertainments Tax the bulk of the cinemas are beginning to close down because they will lose money by this?


I will draw the Control Board's attention to that.

103. Mr. MOLTENO

asked the Minister of Munitions whether the accounts of the Liquor Control Board of the Annan district will be published at frequent intervals, say, monthly, in order that a proper control may be exercised over the trade?


I do not think that the hon. Member's object would be promoted by the means suggested in the question, but careful control will be exercised over the accounts and a statement published in clue course.