HC Deb 28 June 1916 vol 83 cc851-2

asked the Home Secretary how many alien enemies, distinguishing those of German and Austrian nationality, have been released from internment camps since the commencement of the War?


The figures asked for could not be given without excessive labour, and would be misleading if they were given, since many persons released from internment camps in the early months of the War were re-interned at a later date.


asked the Home Secretary how many alien enemies, distinguishing those of Austrian and German nationality and of the male and female sex, are still uninterned in London and in the country, respectively; and bow many of these are still within prohibited areas?


As regards London, I would refer the hon. Member to my answer yesterday to the hon. Member for West Newington. For the rest of Great Britain the figures are, approximately:

Males. Females.
Germans 2,100 2,250
Austrians 1,200 900

The number of male Germans and Austrians residing in prohibited areas is 730 and 136, respectively. I have not at present full particulars in regard to females in those areas, but a complete, Return is being prepared.


asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been called to the statement by the French Minister of Commerce that the Deutsche Bank is preparing for a trade onslaught upon Allied countries after the War; whether, in that case, he will consider if it is desirable to still leave the London agency of such bank in existence with German clerks; and how many of such clerks there still are uninterned?


I am informed that the operations which the London agency of the Deutsche Bank has been permitted to carry on under the supervision of Sir William Plender are those of getting in outstanding assets, discharging liabilities to British, Allied, and neutral creditors, and vesting securities in the hands of the Public Trustee. They have necessitated the continued employment of some of the original staff of the agency. The number of alien enemies employed has been steadily reduced from time to time as the work proceeded. It was 195 at the outbreak of war, and it is now ten. I have every hope that a further reduction may be made almost at once.