HC Deb 20 June 1916 vol 83 c8
4. Mr. KING

asked the Under-Secrctary for War, whether his attention has been called to the case of a medical man educated at Calcutta and Oxford Universities, resident for more than eleven years in England, a householder and married, who applied more than a year ago for a temporary commission in the Royal Army Medical Corps; whether he is aware of the qualifications, character, and standing of this gentleman, who speaks fluently four languages; and whether it is now intended to utilise this gentleman's offer of services in the national interest?


If I have rightly identified the gentleman to whom my hon. Friend alludes, there is no trace in the War Office of his having applied for a temporary commission in the Royal Army Medical Corps. Inquiries have been made, and the Registrar of the General Medical Council states that there has never been a practitioner bearing the name in question on the Medical Register. Inquiries have also been made in Southsea, from which it appears that no medical man lives at the address which my hon. Friend gave me.