HC Deb 20 June 1916 vol 83 cc24-5

Since the House last met the country and the Empire have sustained an irreparable loss in the death of Lord Kitchener. I beg to give notice that to-morrow, at the commencement of business, I shall move a Resolution which I hope will give expression to our views.


informed the House that he had received the following communications relative to the death of Earl Kitchener, K.G., from—

1. The Chamber of Deputies in Greece:

In the name of the Chamber of Deputies of Greece I have the honour to beg your Excellency to convey to the House of Commons the lively sympathy felt by the Hellenic Parliament in the mourning of the British Nation. By the death of Lord Kitchener, Britain loses not only one of her most famous sons, but one of the most striking figures of our age, whose name will be held in grateful remembrance by the Hellenes as that of a true friend of their country.


President of the Chamber of Deputies.

2. The Duma of the Empire of Russia:

Telegram, Petrograd, 15th June.


House of Commons, London.

The Duma of the Empire, deeply impressed by the news of Lord Kitchener's tragic death, charges me to express to the Members of Parliament feelings of the utmost sincere sympathy and sorrow for the cruel loss which England has sustained through the death of the Great Reformer of the glorious English Army and friend of Russia.

President of the Duma,


3. The French Chamber of Deputies:

Resolution passed by the French Chamber of Deputies on 8th June, 1916.

The Chamber of Deputies, interpreting the sentiments of France, associates itself in the mourning of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, her noble Ally, and pays a tribute of sorrow and gratitude to the memory of Lord Kitchener, who gave his services to France in 1870, and became the brilliant organiser of the mighty British Army.


The House will probably wish me to send suitable and adequate replies. [General Assent expressed.]