HC Deb 26 July 1916 vol 84 cc1690-1
38. Colonel YATE

asked the Secretary of State for India whether he is aware that the vegetables for the Indian troops at Aden, Sheikh Othman, and other places in Arabia are shipped from Bombay as cargo on the Peninsula and Oriental boats not in cold storage, and consequently, owing to the heat on the passage, continually arrive in an uneatable condition, to the detriment of the health of the troops; whether arrangements can be made to obviate this and save the waste incurred; and whether, considering the bad quality of the rations issued to the British officers at Aden, money compensation in lieu of rations can be given to them there as was done in Egypt?


I have telegraphed to India for information, and will communicate with my hon. and gallant Friend when I receive the information asked for.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that until recently no vegetables were sent by the Government of India to men in Aden, that the flour sent was bad, that the officers were asked to pay for rations, and the ice supplied was cut off when the so called cold weather began?


I am not aware of any of the circumstances. If my hon. Friend will put his statement in the form of a letter to me or a memorandum, I shall be glad to make inquiry into them.