HC Deb 25 July 1916 vol 84 cc1503-4
43. Mr. T. WILSON

asked the Minister of Munitions if he will give the reason why the work on the workmen's dwellings at Welling, Lodge Hill, and Well Hall, which has been in progress for from twelve to eighteen months, and which has up to now been done by direct labour, is now being let to a contractor; if he is aware that the work will be completed in five or six weeks' time; that there is a large amount of material on the various jobs will he state whether the contractor takes this material; and whether, with the object of preventing waste of labour and material, he will cancel the contracts and finish the work by employing the workmen direct?


The workmen's dwellings at Welling, Lodge Lane, and Well Hall have been in progress for a little over five months, and not for twelve to eighteen months as stated in the question. The work, from the commencement, has been carried out mainly by direct labour, but certain operations, such as roofing, plumbing, etc., have, in accordance with the usual practice, been done by contract as being the most economical and expeditious method. A considerable number of the houses will be completed very shortly, many of them within from five to six weeks; any surplus material will remain the property of the Government and will be utilised hereafter. To substitute direct labour on those portions of the work at present being carried out by contract would not therefore prevent waste of labour and material but would have the opposite effect.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in changing from direct labour to contract labour there is certainly a very large loss, and is it in the interests of the Department to keep the supervising staff it has there until the contract is completed?


There have not been any such changes in this case.


Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware that a considerable number of workmen were last Saturday week given a week's notice to terminate their engagement on the job?

