HC Deb 25 July 1916 vol 84 cc1490-1
46. Mr. NUGENT

asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that Mr. Patrick J. Casey, of 83, Capel Street, Dublin, in consequence of communications received from the police, attended on three separate occasions and gave evidence before a military tribunal at Dublin Castle with reference to the murder of Malachy Brennan, of 86, Capel Street, Dublin, who, whilst standing unarmed at his own door, was deliberately shot dead by a soldier on Friday, 29th April last; whether Mr. Casey, on the third day on which he gave evidence, identified in the presence of the tribunal the soldier who shot Brennan; whether the soldier was also identified at the same time and place by several other witnesess; whether sworn affidavits implicating the soldier referred to are in the possession of Messrs. Corrigan and Corrigan, solicitors, Dublin; whether he has received any Report from the military tribunal referred to as to the result of their inquiries into this case, and, if so, what action he proposes to take with regard to it; and, if he has not received any Report on the case from the military authorities, whether he will demand a Report and communicate its contents to the House, or whether he will order an independent public inquiry into all the circumstances of the murder?


I cannot confirm or deny the specific statements made in the first part of the question, nor can I accept them. The War Office have, however, ascertained from Ireland that a Report of the circumstances surrounding the death of Malachy Brennan was received and a Court of Inquiry held. The evidence at this showed that he was in the street when fighting was going on, and was accidentally shot. It appears that there were snipers on the roofs of the houses in Henrietta Place. Green Street, and Halston Street, at the time the deceased was shot. It is not considered that any useful purpose would be served by a public inquiry.


What is the object to be attained by bringing a witness three times to the Castle and bringing up a person to be identified, and are there several people in the district who are able to prove that there was no sniping whatever from this house, and the man was actually shot inside his own home?


Is the right hon. Gentleman going to make no protest against the term "murder" used in all these questions?


I have already stated in answer to the question that I do not accept it.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the verdict of the coroner's jury was one of murder, and that the military were represented at the inquest?