HC Deb 25 July 1916 vol 84 c1505
52. Mr. PETO

asked the Minister of Munitions if he is satisfied that all the establishments controlled by his Department which manufacture any of the requisites for the Air Service are fully engaged; whether any such establishments have repeatedly asked for further orders and obtained no reply for many weeks, and then of a negative or delaying character; and whether he will consider the establishment of a travelling supervisor of Air Service work, with a view to obtaining the maximum results?


(Representing the Air Board): Establishments engaged on aircraft work are as a general rule employed to their full capacity, the object aimed at being to place new orders a sufficient time in advance of the completion of the previous contract to enable all material to be obtained for commencing work on the new order as soon as the old order is completed. It is not, however, practicable in all circumstances to adhere to this rule, as to do so would often involve giving orders for aircraft of types already becoming obsolete in preference to newer types which may be under consideration or trial. I am not aware of any cases such as are suggested in the second part of the question, but if my hon. Friend will bring any such to my notice, inquiry will be made into them. The Admiralty and War Office already have travelling officers to supervise contract work on aircraft, and it is not considered that the creation of an additional travelling officer would serve any useful purpose.