HC Deb 20 July 1916 vol 84 c1173
27. Major NEWMAN

asked whether the widow and dependants of a noncommissioned officer or private of the Royal Irish Constabulary, who has lost his life during the recent rebellion in Ireland, are on the same footing as those of a non-commissioned officer or soldier of the Regular Forces killed on active service for the purposes of pension or gratuity?


No, Sir. The widows and children of members of the Royal Irish Constabulary killed on duty are qualified for pensions and allowances under the Constabulary Acts, and awards have already been made accordingly, but, in view of the special circumstances under which members of the force have recently lost their lives, it is proposed that the sums payable under the Acts should be supplemented by special grants, and a supplementary estimate will be submitted to the House of Commons for this purpose.