HC Deb 20 July 1916 vol 84 c1195
83. Mr. W. THORNE

asked the Minister of Munitions whether he is aware of the discontent among the employes working at Messrs. Richardson, Limited, Aberdeen, in consequence of the methods that are being adopted by the mill manager, Mr. Simpson, in connection with both men and women who are working in the various mills; if he is aware that the manager in question called into his office the girl weavers and told them that if they left the National Union of General Workers he would increase their wages, and if they were not prepared to give up the union they must leave the works, and he gave them until six o'clock on the day in question to decide; and whether, in the interest of harmony and good feeling between the management and their employes, he intends taking any action in the matter?


Messrs. Richards, Limited, who, it is presumed, are the firm referred to, are War Office contractors. No complaint against them of the nature referred to in the question has been received by the Ministry of Munitions or the War Office. Inquiry will be made into the matter.