HC Deb 20 July 1916 vol 84 cc1191-2
82. Mr. WATT

asked the Minister of Munitions whether the 100 munitions workers who were discharged from a controlled establishment at Doulton's works, near Paisley, three months ago, and who were stated by the Minister of Munitions to be holding themselves in readiness for future work, have yet been called upon to do this work; and, if not, will he say how it is that munition workers are being advertised for in the West of Scotland at the present moment, while these 100 workers and others are suspended for months?


I understand that at the end of January, on the expiration of a contract, Messrs. Doulton discharged between fifty and sixty women who had been engaged on that contract. The contract was not renewed, but the firm were given an order for munition work of a somewhat different character, for which they did not consider that the women who had been discharged would be suitable. The firm deny that they gave any undertaking that the women should be employed by them on future work. I do not know whether the women in question have registered at the Labour Exchange, and I consequently do not know how many of them are now in employment. Large numbers of women are required for munition work in the West of Scotland, and if the women discharged by Messrs. Doulton will register their names at the Labour Exchange they should have no difficulty in obtaining suitable work.


Will my right hon. Friend please repeat his answer so that I shall know whether my supplementary is relevant?