HC Deb 19 July 1916 vol 84 c1010
45. Major W. GUINNESS

asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been drawn to the warning issued by the Navy League as to the dangers to British sea-power involved in the setting up of a possibly hostile Irish executive; and whether he will consult the Admiralty as to the necessary safeguards?


Before the right hon. Gentleman replies, may I ask him who are the members of the Navy League, as I tried in the Library and could not find their names? Would they be ancient mariners or retired admirals, landlubbers, and other citizens, sea cooks or dyspeptic cranks and other faddists? Did they suffer from brain storm? Were they of German descent, and did any of them live in Ireland?

The PRIME MINISTER (Mr. Asquith)

The hon. Member's researches seem to have been not unfruitful. Yes, a copy of this document has been sent to me. The Admiralty are fully alive to all the necessities of the situation?


Does the right hon. Gentleman consider that prior to the rebellion his administration of Ireland was so successful as to justify him——


That is a matter of controversy and for debate, not for a question.