HC Deb 13 July 1916 vol 84 cc534-6
95. Mr. HOGGE

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he can make any statement as to the position of men who receive notices to re-appear for medical examination under Section 3, paragraph (2), of the Military Service Act, 1916?


The position of a man who has offered himself for enlistment and been rejected since the 14th August, 1915, is as follows:—

  1. (a) Should the Army Council so decide he will be liable to be re-examined after 30th September.
  2. (b) If so, a notice will be sent to him before 1st September.
  3. (c) It will be open to him to apply to the tribunals for exemption between the 1st and 30th September.
  4. (d) It is open to him to apply for examination by a medical board before the 1st October in order that he may know whether he will be called up.
Instructions have been issued to recruiting officers to exercise with discretion the power of summoning for re-examination such men. Recruiting officers have further been instructed that the following classes of men are not to be summoned for re-examination:—
  1. (a) Those who are recorded in the Military Register as having been rejected at the primary military examination.
  2. (b) Those who are recorded in the Military Register as having been rejected by a medical board.
  3. (c) hose who voluntarily present themselves for re-examination and are found by the medical board to be unfit for any service.
  4. (d) Those concerning whom the recruiting officer is satisfied that there is no possible doubt.
A man who is liable for re-examination is not liable to be called up under the Military Service Acts before the 1st October, 1916, whether or not he presents himself for medical re-examination before that date. It is, however, open to such a man to attest voluntarily at any time up to and including the 31st August, 1916.

97. Mr. JOWETT

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that Lieutenant Ian Turneur, who was kicked by a mule on the left thigh and the right calf when he was on duty on 7th December last, wrote to his commanding officer, Lieutenant—Colonel Mayne, applying for medical examination and treatment and sick leave on 17th January following, and, receiving no reply, again on 22nd January to the same officer; if he is aware that on the 27th January Lieutenant Turneur's second letter was returned to him attached to half a sheet of foolscap containing the following memoranda, namely, a note from Lieutenant—Colonel Mayne to the General Officer Commanding the 35th Division saying that he under-stood all matters referring to this officer were now transferred to the War Office for orders; a note from the General Officer Commanding the 35th Division to the Brigadier—General, Parkhouse Camp, asking for a report on the matter involved, Lieutenant Turneur; a note from the brigade-major to the General Officer Commanding the 35th Division saying that Lieutenant Turneur was injured in the performance of his military duties; and a note from the General Officer Commanding the 35th Division to Lieutenant—Colonel Mayne saying that his note would constitute authority for necessary procedure; if he is aware that Lieutenant Turneur on 27th January forwarded the memoranda above referred to to the War Office, along with an inquiry as to the appointment for medical examination; if he is aware that the War Office now state that there is no evidence that Lieutenant Turneur met with an accident on duty; and whether he will call for the production of the documents mentioned with a view to acknowledging liability for the expense which Lieutenant Turneur has had to bear as the result of an injury which he received in the performance of his military duties?


As has been stated be-fore, Lieutenant Turneur relinquished his commission on account of inefficiency only and not on medical grounds. At the time he relinquished his commission the documents set out in the question had not reached the War Office, and they have not reached the War Office since. Subsequent to his relinquishment of his commission a communication was received from Lieu-tenant Turneur himself direct, but in this there was no mention of medical attendance or of compensation. Inquiry shall be made with regard to the memoranda, mentioned.